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'Kai Chutney,' made from red weaver ants

'Kai Chutney,' made from red weaver ants

People globally have eaten insects for centuries.

People globally have eaten insects for centuries.

In Odisha's Mayurbhanj district, red weaver ants are used to make a chutney or a watery semi-solid paste known as "Kai Chutney.”

In Odisha's Mayurbhanj district, red weaver ants are used to make a chutney or a watery semi-solid paste known as "Kai Chutney.”

This chutney is renowned in the region for its medicinal and nutritional properties.

This chutney is renowned in the region for its medicinal and nutritional properties.

On January 2, 2024, this distinctive savoury chutney was awarded the geographical indication (GI) tag.

On January 2, 2024, this distinctive savoury chutney was awarded the geographical indication (GI) tag.

Red weaver ants, scientifically known as Oecophylla smaragdina, are notable for their extremely painful sting, capable of causing blisters on the skin

Red weaver ants, scientifically known as Oecophylla smaragdina, are notable for their extremely painful sting, capable of causing blisters on the skin

These ants are commonly found in the forests of Mayurbhanj, including the Similipal forests, which constitute Asia's second-largest biosphere.

These ants are commonly found in the forests of Mayurbhanj, including the Similipal forests, which constitute Asia's second-largest biosphere.

Hundreds of tribal families in the district make a living by collecting and selling these insects and chutneys.

Hundreds of tribal families in the district make a living by collecting and selling these insects and chutneys.