Mahavir Jayanti 2023

Every year, Mahavir Jayanti will be observed in March or April.Mahavir Jayanti will fall this year on 4 th april.

To honour the birth of Lord Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, Jain devotees primarily observe Mahavir Jayanti. It is a significant holiday for Jain people.

The thirteenth day of the chaitra month's rising moon marked the birth of Mahavir. (which was trayodashi Tithi durin Shukla paksha of chaitra month).Mahavair was born in the Bihar region of Vaishali, in Kundalagrama.

Mahavir Jayanti Traditions and Rituals : Continue to practise restraint and fast all day. Put flowers on the puja altar or in the area. Perform Abhishekam on the Mahavir statue to purify it with milk and water. Gift the god with sweets, flowers, and fruits. Make the Mahavir Jayanti mantra. Serve the needy with clothing, cash, food, or other necessities.

 Mahavir inspired many people to follow his way by making Jainism a religion that was so straightforward and devoid of complicated rituals. His lessons and message about all-encompassing love will always be relevant.

 Many people were inspired by the ideas of Lord Mahavir, who preached salvation and nonviolence. For all householders to follow, he created the five-fold way of "Ahimsa," "Asteya," "Brahmacharya," "Satya," and "Aparigraha."

Lord Mahavir delivered his teachings based on analyses of nature and the significance of life provided by science.

 People make promises to not harm anyone in the future, either knowingly or unknowingly, and attempt to recall Lord Mahavir's teachings on this day. Lord Mahavir's challenges and tribulations serve as a testament to how unique and strong he was.