Solar New year is the beginning of solar calendar year.When the soul of our Universe, Surya Dev, completes its Zodiac year, the solar new year starts. Surya Dev is born under the aquatic sign Pisces or Meen Rashi, which is the last sign. It joins the fire sign Aries, also known as Mesha Rashi, which is the first sign. Lord Sun spends about a month or 30 days in each Sign.

The traditional New Year is celebrated  in  Southeast Asian cultures .A solar month usually has 30 or 31 days. The solar year starts on April 14th with Saura Vaisakha.

Throughout the country, people observe this festival under various names and in various ways. In Odisha, it is known as Pana Sankranti, in Tamil Nadu as Puthandu, in Assam as Bihu, and in Bengal as Poila Baisakh. Mesha Sankranti is also known as the Vaishakh holiday by Punjabis.

The solar cycle year is observed in ancient Hindu cultures and in Hindu-majority countries such as India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, as well as Malaysia, Mauritius, and Singapore.

Mesha Sankranti which i more popoular for the Hindu solar cycle year.

The Father of Astrology is Surya Dev. Surya Dev banishes the gloom and ushers in the light on this Solar New Year. On this day, one can expiate all sins by participating in Seva or charitable actions.

On this day , people donaate clothes to poor people and prays to surya dev with devotional chants.

On this day , people donaate clothes to poor people and prays to surya dev with devotional chants.