The most advanced human robot in existence is Sophia. It is a realistic example of a perfect humanoid robot because it has about 50 different face expressions just like humans. Sophia is primarily designed for education, research and entertainment. It travels throughout the world explaining people the importance of robots in human life.


The robot is usually ranked in the second position everywhere because it is considered as one the most advanced human robots ever made. The primary focus of the robot is to help people. Asimo travels all around the world as a brand ambassador of robots making people aware how robots can make life easier and help humans.


According to some companies it is the most agile Humanoid in existence. It’s body shape is so dynamic that it can use it’s all body skills to move quickly and balance itself on diverse terrains. The robot is capable of performing many different tasks but some favourite tasks are running, jumping and backflips. Its advanced AI systems makes it capable of sensing obstacles and negotiating through diverse terrains.


Aquanaut robots are used to do complex manipulation tasks under water. In submarine mode it can travel at a speed of 200 km/h in with an operational depth of 300 metre. It works on an advanced technology that is able to inspect gas infrastructure and subsea oil. It can operate valves and use tools for corrections in some parts.


Spot is an animal robot or say a dog robot because it looks very similar to a dog. The Spot can troll around your office, home, playground etc. as a normal dog usually does. Spot has some outstanding functions like it can map your environment, sense obstacles, lift packages and more. Spot can operate in an environment of 20°C to 45°C.


As the name suggests HRP-5P is the 5th generation robot of HRP series of robots. It is used for handling large objects and tools in construction sites. The robot is capable of doing complex tasks like handling dry wall sheets and more.


Pepper is the world’s first social human robot with abilities to recognise faces, basic human emotions and understand languages. It is used for human interaction and engage with people through conversation and shows its words on the touch screen placed in his chest.


Cassie is the lower version of Digit. It is a dynamic robot that is able to walk and run just like humans and animals. Cassie can walk in diverse and complex environments and terrain and due to its advanced technology and sensors it is supposed to be used in search and rescue operations in future. Cassie was named after Australian bird Cassowary that has similar legs shape to Cassie.


Digit is a humanoid robot made in 2019 by Agility robotics in the United States. It is designed in such a way that it moves in a unique way than normal robots do. Digit was made to carry out tasks in complex environments. Companies say that it can be used in future for taking care of people in their homes, in search and rescue operations and more.


Spot is an animal robot or say a dog robot because it looks very similar to a dog. The Spot can troll around your office, home, playground etc. as a normal dog usually does. Spot has some outstanding functions like it can map your environment, sense obstacles, lift packages and more. Spot can operate in an environment of 20°C to 45°C.
