· Shaheed Diwas is observed in honor of the gems we lost in the war for freedom. On this day in 1931, the great Indian freedom fighters were lynched to death by the British rulers.

There are two dates that we consider as “Martyr’s Day” – 30 Jan (in memory of Mahatma Gandhi) and 23 March (remembering Bhagath Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar).

· Why were they hung to death? The three young rebels joined the freedom movement on Dec 28 to take vengeance for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai by a lati-charged issued on protestors by SI of police, James Scott.

The three were caught in the act and were put behind the bars under various sections.

The charges on them included the murder of British Police officer John Saunders.

John Saunder’s murder wasn’t in their plan of avenging and was a mistaken murder, but their involvement in the act made people assume them guilty.

And on March 23, 1931, the three warriors were hung to death in Lahore leaving the whole nation stunned.

 The nation will forever be grateful to each and every hero that left this world just to let us live in peace.