Who is Baba Vanga ?
Baba Vanga was a blind mystic healer and soothsayer from Bulgaria. Her full name is Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova.
When Baba Vanga passed away ?
In 1996, Baba Vanga passed away.

Baba Vanga’s ominous forecasts for 2023
The 9/11 attacks and the Kursk submarine disaster were among the most dreadful occurrences in recent memory that the Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga is credited with foreseeing. In actuality, the blind sorceress foretold her own demise. And now, 26 years after her passing, Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova’s dire predictions for 2023 have come to light.
The following 12 months will be dark and destructed, according to Baba Vanga. The horrifying prophecies include a shift in the Earth’s orbit, which may be brought on by a global nuclear meltdown. The emergence of lab children is one of the weird scientific developments Baba Vanga foresees occurring in 2023.
In addition, the blind mystic foretold terrifying events like an extra-terrestrial invasion and a solar tsunami for the year 2023.
Her forecasts, according to media reports, state that parents would be able to choose the skin tone and other physical traits of the lab-created children. If it turns out to be accurate, human delivery as we know it today may never again be practised.
Baba Vanga also made the terrifying forecast that the USSR would resurrect in the first three years of the twenty-first century, which gives us three more years to see if it comes to pass. What a human delivery as we know it may never again be practised.
Baba Vanga also made the terrifying forecast that the USSR would resurrect in the first three years of the twenty-first century, which gives us three more years to see if it comes to pass. However, given the current geopolitical climate, where Russia is practically unabatedly encroaching on Ukraine, the possibility of the USSR’s resuscitation in some form or another exists.