CPI general secretary D. Raja in Telangana state executive meeting says dissatisfaction with BJP is increasing in Gujarat

CPI general secretary D. Raja in Telangana state executive meeting says dissatisfaction with BJP is increasing in Gujarat

CPI general secretary D. Raja in Telangana state executive meeting says dissatisfaction with BJP is increasing in Gujarat

CPI general secretary D. Raja in Telangana state executive meeting says dissatisfaction with BJP is increasing in Gujarat

People’s dissatisfaction with BJP is increasing, discontent has also increased in Gujarat. Modi and Shah’s speeches in campaign meetings show concern. If BJP comes to power again in 2024, the country will be ruined Left, secular, democratic, and regional parties should unitedly defeat BJP and RSS. The attitude is the same in Telangana.

CPI general secretary D. Raja said that there is a growing dissatisfaction of the people towards the BJP across the country, including in the state of Gujarat, and this has caused trembling and fear among the BJP leaders. If you look at the speeches of Modi and Amit Shah in the Gujarat election campaign meetings, you can see the frustration and fear among those leaders. He said that in the background of growing discontent among the people, the entire country is eagerly waiting for the results of the Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat elections and the upcoming Tripura and Nagaland elections. D. Raja came to Hyderabad city for the first time after being elected as the General Secretary for the second term in the CPI National Congress held in Vijayawada recently.

He was the chief guest at the CPI state executive meeting held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Thakkellapalli Srinivasa Rao, a member of the CPI state executive committee at Magdoom Bhavan. CPI state secretary Koonanneni Sambasivarao, national secretaries Dr. K. Narayana, Syed Aziz Pasha, working group members Chada Venkat Reddy were present in the meeting. Addressing the meeting, Raja said that soon the Modi government will complete its second term of office, He warned that the destruction of the country is inevitable if the BJP continues in power once again. He criticized that Narendra Modi, when he first assumed the duties of the Prime Minister, promised to provide minimum government and maximum administration, on the contrary, he is acting like a dictator and implementing autocratic policies. They said that the country is being led towards destruction. In order to protect the country, democracy and secular systems, the combination of BJP and RSS must be defeated in the 2024 elections.

Similar attitude in Telangana: Raja said that BJP, RSS and fascist forces should be united and defeated in the 2024 elections at the national level, and for this there is a need to further strengthen the unity of left-wing, secular and democratic parties, forces and regional parties. He clarified that in Telangana also we will move forward with the same political awareness. He called upon the party ranks to strengthen the Communist Party by mobilizing people and organizing struggles on livelihood issues.

Greetings to Journalists: At the beginning of his speech, D. Raja on behalf of the CPI congratulated the journalists on National Press Day on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the CPI Rashtra Samithi meeting will be held on Thursday.

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