Doctor attacks Samantha, actress issues BIG clarification

Doctor criticizes Samantha, actress responds with major clarification.

Doctor criticizes Samantha, actress responds with major clarification.

She emphasized the importance of respectful dialogue and the potential benefits of professional discussions in addressing concerns. Samantha expressed her disappointment with the aggressive approach taken and reiterated her openness to a more collaborative and respectful exchange of views.

Hyderabad: Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently made headlines with her social media post about hydrogen peroxide nebulization. The controversy began when Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, also known as “The Liver Doc,” criticized this type of nebulization, asserting that it has harmful effects. He also criticized Samantha, labeling her as “health and science illiterate.”

In response, Samantha took to her Instagram to address the issue. She explained, “Over the last couple of years, I’ve had to take many different types of medicines.

Samantha clarified that she did not intend to strongly advocate for any particular treatment. She shared her experience with good intentions, understanding how expensive medical treatments can be. She emphasized the importance of relying on educated doctors for guidance.

Samantha’s Detailed Response

Samantha’s response highlighted several key points that provide context and clarity to her actions and intentions:

  1. Personal Health Journey: Over the last few years, Samantha has faced significant health challenges that required her to take various types of medicines. Her journey involved exploring multiple treatments, both conventional and alternative, based on professional advice and personal research.
  2. Good Intentions: Samantha shared her experience with hydrogen peroxide nebulization out of good intentions, aiming to help others who might be in a similar situation. She understands the financial burden that medical treatments can impose and wanted to share an option that might be more accessible.
  3. Professional Guidance: The treatment she mentioned was not something she picked up randomly. It was suggested by a highly qualified doctor with extensive experience, including 25 years at DRDO. This doctor, despite his conventional medical education, believed in supporting an alternative therapy, which added credibility to the recommendation.
  4. Not Endorsing: Samantha made it clear that her post was not an endorsement for any product or treatment. She was not being paid for her post and was not advertising on behalf of any company or individual. Her intention was purely to share an alternative treatment option based on her experience.
  5. Constructive Dialogue: Samantha expressed that the criticism from Dr. Philips was harsh and suggested a more constructive approach. She believed it would have been more productive if Dr. Philips had invited her doctor for a polite debate. Such a discussion between two highly qualified professionals could provide valuable insights and clarity on the matter.
  6. Respectful Tone: Despite the harsh criticism, Samantha maintained a respectful tone in her response. She acknowledged Dr. Philips’ expertise and intentions, even though she disagreed with his approach.
  7. Educational Purpose: The actress emphasized that her post was meant to be educational, sharing her personal experience rather than making a blanket recommendation. She wanted to highlight an option that worked for her, without suggesting it as a universal solution.

Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips’ Criticism

Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, known as “The Liver Doc,” has a strong following for his medical advice and criticisms of unscientific health practices. His critique of Samantha’s post was rooted in concern over the potential harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide nebulization. His primary points included:

  1. Health Risks: Dr. Philips highlighted the harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide nebulization, warning that it could cause more harm than good. He emphasized the importance of following scientifically validated treatments and cautioned against unproven methods.
  2. Public Influence: Given Samantha’s significant following, Dr. Philips was concerned about the potential impact of her post. He feared that many people might try the treatment without understanding the risks, simply because a celebrity endorsed it.
  3. Scientific Literacy: His criticism included a strong statement about Samantha’s understanding of health and science. By calling her “health and science illiterate,” he intended to underline the importance of proper knowledge and expertise when discussing medical treatments.
  4. Legal Implications: Dr. Philips’ comment about imprisonment, although harsh, was likely aimed at stressing the severity of promoting unverified medical treatments. It reflects his concern for public safety and adherence to medical guidelines.

The Broader Debate on Alternative Therapies

The controversy surrounding Samantha’s post and Dr. Philips’ criticism touches on the broader debate between conventional and alternative therapies. This debate involves several key issues:

  1. Scientific Validation: Conventional medicine relies on rigorous scientific validation, clinical trials, and peer-reviewed research to ensure the safety and efficacy of treatments. Alternative therapies often lack this level of validation, leading to skepticism and criticism from the medical community.
  2. Accessibility and Cost: Alternative therapies are sometimes more accessible and affordable than conventional treatments. For many people, especially those facing financial constraints, these alternatives can seem like viable options.
  3. Personal Experiences: Individuals like Samantha who have had positive personal experiences with alternative therapies often share their stories to help others. These anecdotal accounts, however, can be misleading without scientific backing.
  4. Professional Guidance: The involvement of qualified professionals in recommending alternative therapies can lend credibility to these treatments. However, the broader medical community often remains cautious or critical unless there is substantial evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of these methods.
  5. Public Influence: Celebrities and public figures have significant influence, and their endorsements can lead to widespread adoption of certain practices. This influence carries a responsibility to ensure that the information shared is accurate and safe.

Moving Forward

The controversy sparked by Samantha’s post and Dr. Philips’ criticism underscores the need for a balanced approach when discussing health and medical treatments:

  1. Open Dialogue: Constructive dialogue between conventional and alternative therapy advocates can help bridge the gap and provide a more comprehensive understanding of different treatment options.
  2. Education: Educating the public about the importance of scientific validation and the risks associated with unproven treatments is crucial. Both conventional and alternative medicine proponents should emphasize the need for informed decisions based on reliable evidence.
  3. Respectful Discourse: Maintaining a respectful tone in discussions and criticisms can foster a more productive exchange of ideas. Personal attacks and harsh language can detract from the core issues and hinder constructive dialogue.
  4. Professional Involvement: Ensuring that qualified professionals guide and oversee the recommendations for any treatment, whether conventional or alternative, is essential. Their expertise can provide a balanced perspective and ensure the safety and efficacy of treatments.


Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s recent social media post about hydrogen peroxide nebulization and the subsequent criticism from Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips highlight the complexities and sensitivities involved in discussing health treatments. Samantha’s detailed response emphasizes her good intentions, reliance on professional guidance, and openness to constructive dialogue. Dr. Philips’ concerns reflect the importance of adhering to scientifically validated treatments and the responsibility of public figures to share accurate information. The broader debate between conventional and alternative therapies continues to evolve, underscoring the need for balanced, respectful, and informed discussions in the pursuit of safe and effective healthcare solutions.

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