'Incredible' Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR

‘Incredible’ Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR

‘Incredible’ Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR

Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has set the stage for an optimistic future for government employees with the announcement of a pay revision commission (PRC) and the promise of interim relief measures. In a comprehensive review of Telangana’s progress since its inception, he proudly declared that state employees now receive higher salaries compared to their central government counterparts, owing to a remarkable 70% salary increase over the past nine years under the BRS government.

During the fervor of the Telangana agitation, Rao made a resolute commitment to state employees that they would secure the highest salaries within the new state. Remaining true to his word, he ensured that this commitment was honoured. He emphasized his unwavering dedication to equitably distributing the benefits of the expanding state economy among diverse segments of society, with a special focus on employees who, as he pledged, are poised to experience an “unbelievable” salary hike as part of the forthcoming PRC.

'Incredible' Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR
‘Incredible’ Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR

Rao went on to unveil the astonishing news that employees of Singareni Collieries, who previously shared an annual bonus of Rs 83 crore prior to the state’s division, are now on track to receive a staggering Rs 1,000 crore this October. This remarkable increase in bonuses is a testament to the substantial growth achieved in both turnover and profit by the state-owned coal company during the tenure of the BRS government.

Addressing the contentious issue of merging RTC employees into government service, Rao staunchly defended his decision while taking subtle swipes at Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan and the Opposition. Although acknowledging a brief delay in introducing the draft legislation in the House, he lauded the Governor for ultimately approving the bill, which was successfully introduced on the session’s final day, signifying a resolution to the impasse.

In response to criticisms accusing him of flip-flopping on the RTC merger, the Chief Minister clarified that his intention was to rejuvenate the corporation’s financial health. He attributed the financial challenges to the steep surge in diesel prices, which had adverse effects on the corporation’s fiscal status. Underscoring the significance of public transport as a societal obligation, Rao reassured his unwavering commitment to sustaining and enhancing this essential service.

'Incredible' Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR
‘Incredible’ Salary Increases Expected in Next Government Term: CM KCR

To sum up, Chief Minister KCR’s comprehensive response regarding Telangana’s journey exemplifies the government’s unwavering determination to uplift diverse sections of society, particularly its diligent workforce. The assurance of an ‘unbelievable’ salary elevation through the impending PRC encapsulates the government’s resolve to recognize and support its employees’ contributions. Furthermore, the substantial growth of state-owned entities like Singareni Collieries underscores the positive outcomes of the BRS government’s policies. By means of these strategies and assurances, the government seeks to fulfill its societal responsibilities and contribute to the ongoing advancement of the state.

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