India opposes introducing 'special envoy' for combating Islamophobia at UN.

India opposes introducing ‘special envoy’ for combating Islamophobia at UN.

India opposes introducing ‘special envoy’ for combating Islamophobia at UN.

Ambassador Kamboj emphasized the importance of recognizing that Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism are also vulnerable to religion-based phobia. He highlighted that while the focus on Islamophobia is significant, it is equally crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by other religions. Kamboj’s statement underscores the need for a broader approach to combatting all forms of religious discrimination and intolerance.

By addressing the concerns of various faiths, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, efforts can be more inclusive and effective in promoting religious harmony and understanding. This stance reflects India’s commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all religious communities within its borders and globally.

India’s Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj, addressing the United Nations, emphasized India’s status as “a proud champion of pluralism” while opposing the creation of a “special envoy” for Islamophobia. Her stance emerged during the adoption of the UN General Assembly’s Resolution on “Measures to Combat Islamophobia,” which includes a provision for a UN Special Envoy to address Islamophobia. Ambassador Kamboj highlighted that while Islamophobia is crucial, it’s vital to recognize discrimination faced by other religions.

This viewpoint underscores India’s commitment to inclusivity, urging a comprehensive approach to combatting religious discrimination. Kamboj’s remarks reflect India’s support for pluralism and the protection of all religious communities.

In a poignant address at the United Nations, India’s envoy emphasized the critical need to acknowledge that phobias extend beyond the Abrahamic religions. Ambassador Kamboj underscored the prevalence of anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, and anti-Sikh sentiments, noting the alarming rise in attacks on Gurudwaras, monasteries, and temples worldwide.

The envoy’s remarks shed light on the disturbing trend of violence and discrimination faced by followers of non-Abrahamic faiths. Instances such as the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha, violations of Gurudwara premises, massacres of Sikh pilgrims, attacks on temples, and the glorification of breaking idols in temples are stark reminders of the contemporary form of religio-phobia that plagues these communities.

Ambassador Kamboj highlighted the global reach of these religions, emphasizing that Hinduism boasts over 1.2 billion followers, Buddhism counts more than 535 million, and Sikhism has a significant following of over 30 million worldwide. Despite their substantial presence and rich cultural heritage, these faiths are not immune to the challenges posed by religion-based discrimination.

The Ambassador’s impassioned plea for recognition and action resonated throughout the UN chamber. She urged the international community to confront and address the rising tide of hatred and violence directed at these communities. Kamboj stressed that the protection of religious freedoms and the promotion of tolerance are fundamental principles that must guide global efforts to combat religio-phobia.

India’s strong stance against all forms of discrimination based on religion reflects its deep-rooted commitment to pluralism and inclusivity. The country, known as a “proud champion of pluralism,” stands firm in its resolve to safeguard the rights and dignity of all its citizens, regardless of their faith.

The envoy’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the shared responsibility to uphold the values of tolerance, mutual respect, and understanding. She called upon nations to unite in solidarity against the forces of bigotry and prejudice that seek to divide communities based on faith.

As the world grapples with the challenges posed by religious intolerance, Ambassador Kamboj’s call for action reverberates as a clarion call for unity and compassion. The need to protect sacred sites, promote interfaith dialogue, and foster mutual understanding has never been more urgent.

In the face of increasing attacks on places of worship and religious pilgrimages, the international community must come together to stand against the forces of hatred. Kamboj emphasized the importance of education and awareness in combating religio-phobia, advocating for initiatives that promote religious harmony and understanding.

The envoy’s remarks served as a poignant reminder that the fight against religio-phobia is a shared endeavor, one that requires concerted efforts from all nations. She urged governments to enact laws that protect religious freedoms and punish those who incite violence or discrimination based on faith.

India’s unwavering commitment to pluralism and religious harmony resonated strongly in Ambassador Kamboj’s address. The country stands as a beacon of tolerance, diversity, and coexistence, offering a model for nations seeking to build inclusive societies.

In conclusion, Ambassador Kamboj’s impassioned plea at the United Nations highlighted the urgent need to address the rising tide of religio-phobia facing Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh communities worldwide. Her words serve as a rallying cry for unity, tolerance, and mutual respect, urging the international community to stand together against all forms of discrimination based on religion. India’s commitment to pluralism and inclusivity shines brightly, illuminating the path toward a more harmonious and tolerant world for all.

Ambassador Kamboj’s address at the United Nations underscored the need to recognize the prevalence of religious phobia across various faiths rather than singling out one. She emphasized the importance of allocating resources to combat all forms of religious discrimination, cautioning against the unintended consequences of solely focusing on Islamophobia.

Highlighting the potential pitfalls of such a singular focus, Kamboj pointed out that neglecting similar challenges faced by other religious communities could perpetuate a sense of exclusion and inequality. Her remarks called for a more inclusive approach that addresses the broader spectrum of religio-phobia.

The resolution on “Measures to Combat Islamophobia,” reportedly facilitated by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), aims to tackle discrimination against Muslims worldwide. Pakistan’s chief diplomat at the UN, Ambassador Munir Akram, emphasized the need for bold and decisive actions to counter Islamophobia, citing the discrimination faced by Muslims globally.

Ambassador Kamboj’s plea for a holistic approach to combat religious phobia resonates with the call for inclusivity and equality. As the international community addresses the challenges of discrimination based on faith, her words serve as a reminder of the shared responsibility to promote tolerance, understanding, and respect for all religious beliefs.

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