Kapil Sibal questions PM Modi's silence on NEET issue.

Kapil Sibal questions PM Modi’s silence on NEET issue.

Kapil Sibal questions PM Modi’s silence on NEET issue.

The Centre announced that affected students could either take a re-test or forgo the compensatory marks granted for the loss of time during the NEET exam. This decision aims to address issues faced by candidates and provide them with an opportunity to ensure fairness and maintain academic integrity.

Kapil Sibal Criticizes PM Modi’s Silence Over NEET Exam Controversy

This controversy has stirred significant concern among students, parents, and political figures alike.

Initially, the results were expected to be declared on June 14. However, they were announced earlier on June 4, as the evaluation of answer sheets was completed ahead of schedule. Despite this efficiency, the process has been marred by allegations of question paper leaks and other irregularities, particularly in states like Bihar.

Kapil Sibal took to social media platform X to voice his concerns. In his post, Sibal stated, “NEET Examination. The Gujarat factor. Open corruption. Open manipulation. PLEASE notice: Modiji’s ‘neat’ silence.” His comments reflect the frustration and suspicion surrounding the integrity of the NEET exam administration.

Adding to the controversy, the Centre and the National Testing Agency (NTA) informed the Supreme Court on Thursday that they had rescinded the grace marks initially awarded to 1,563 candidates. These candidates had faced disruptions during the examination, which led to the compensatory marks being granted. Now, these affected students have the option to either retake the exam or forgo the compensatory marks. This decision was intended to maintain fairness and integrity in the examination process.

Opposition MPs have seized upon this issue, relentlessly attacking the government and demanding justice for the affected students. The allegations of question paper leaks and irregularities have only intensified the scrutiny and criticism.

On Friday, the Congress party escalated its attack on the government regarding the NEET-UG exam issue. They specifically questioned Prime Minister Modi’s “silence” and demanded a comprehensive forensic probe, monitored by the Supreme Court, to ensure the future of the millions of young students involved is safeguarded. Congress leaders argue that such a probe is necessary to restore public trust in the examination process and to address any instances of malpractice or corruption.

The NEET exam is a critical milestone for students aspiring to enter MBBS and other medical courses. The stakes are incredibly high, and any hint of irregularity can have far-reaching consequences. The current controversy has thus sparked widespread concern and calls for transparency and accountability.

Background of NEET Controversies

The NEET examination, which stands for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test, is a pivotal examination for students aspiring to enter medical and dental colleges in India. Given its significance, any allegations of malpractice or irregularities can have profound implications for the credibility of the examination and the future of the students involved.

Over the years, NEET has faced several controversies, ranging from allegations of question paper leaks to discrepancies in the admission process. These issues have led to widespread protests and calls for reforms in the examination process. The current allegations of irregularities in states like Bihar have only added to this troubled history.

Political Reactions and Demands

The political response to the NEET controversy has been swift and severe. Opposition leaders, including Kapil Sibal, have not only criticized the government’s handling of the examination but have also questioned Prime Minister Modi’s lack of response. Sibal’s pointed remarks on social media highlight the broader concerns about transparency and accountability in the examination process.

The Congress party’s demand for a Supreme Court-monitored forensic probe underscores the seriousness with which they view the issue. Such a probe would involve a thorough investigation into the allegations of irregularities and would aim to identify any instances of malpractice or corruption. By involving the Supreme Court, the opposition hopes to ensure an impartial and comprehensive investigation.

Implications for Students

The uncertainty and controversy surrounding the NEET examination have significant implications for the students involved. For many, NEET represents a crucial step towards achieving their dreams of becoming doctors. Any disruption or irregularity in the examination process can jeopardize these aspirations.

The decision to allow affected students to either retake the exam or forgo the compensatory marks is a step towards addressing the immediate concerns. However, it also highlights the broader issues within the examination system. Ensuring fairness and integrity in such high-stakes examinations is essential to maintain public trust and to ensure that deserving students are not disadvantaged.

The Way Forward

As the controversy continues to unfold, it is clear that there are no easy solutions. Ensuring the integrity of the NEET examination will require comprehensive reforms and a commitment to transparency and accountability. The government, the NTA, and all stakeholders must work together to address the current issues and to prevent similar controversies in the future.

The call for a Supreme Court-monitored forensic probe represents a potential path forward. Such an investigation could help to identify any irregularities and to implement the necessary reforms. It could also serve to restore public trust in the NEET examination process.


The NEET examination controversy has highlighted significant concerns about the integrity and transparency of one of India’s most important examinations. The political response, led by figures like Kapil Sibal, underscores the urgency of addressing these issues. As the government and the NTA work to resolve the current crisis, it is essential that they prioritize the needs and concerns of the students involved. Only by ensuring a fair and transparent examination process can they restore public trust and safeguard the future of millions of aspiring medical students.

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