On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a visit from Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), at his official house.

Melinda Gates praises Yogi administration and claims that UP is a model for the entire world, not just for India.

On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a visit from Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), at his official house.

On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a visit from Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), at his official house.
On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a visit from Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), at his official house.

In a private discussion, Gates and the chief minister discussed ways to improve technical collaboration in the areas of agriculture, nutrition, and health. Had a lovely meeting today at my official residence in Lucknow with the co-chair and trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Adityanath tweeted. Better technical collaboration in the areas of health, nutrition, social security, and agriculture in UP was the topic of a fruitful conversation.

Gates praised the efforts done by Uttar Pradesh in recent years, highlighting the Covid management and encephalitis control despite a dense population, during their conversation.

Gates remarked, “Despite the difficulties of Covid, the state leadership’s approach to the problem of dense population and numerous social concerns is highly laudable.

She also praised the state government of Uttar Pradesh’s achievements in the areas of women’s empowerment, financial inclusion, nutrition, and health security, saying that the state “is an example not just for India but for the entire globe.”

The Melinda Gates Foundation has a long history in Uttar Pradesh. According to Gates, Uttar Pradesh offers enormous development potential.

She emphasised the recent infrastructural work in particular. Gates called it “unprecedented” and added that the development had gone in the correct direction.

Gates also applauded the efforts being made to enhance farmer income by encouraging the development of FPOs in the nation’s largest agricultural state and congratulated women’s self-help groups (SHGs) for the success of the nutrition mission.

She praised the measures taken to empower women.

Speaking at the event, the chief minister noted that he had attentively observed the BMGF’s efforts, which had contributed admirably to the fields of nutrition and health.

In the midst of Covid’s difficulties, UP received logistical and technical support from the Foundation. We appreciate the Foundation’s kind offer, Yogi stated.

He continued, “Uttar Pradesh has made satisfactory progress in recent years in terms of nutrition and health. A illness like encephalitis used to kill innocent youngsters, but that number has been reduced by about 95%.

Additionally, the Foundation has worked with us to effectively eliminate infections like Chikungunya and Kala-azar that are spread through contact. Global organisations like UNICEF, WHO, BMGF, and PATH have provided us with excellent assistance in the field of public health, including in the management of numerous waterborne diseases like encephalitis. Mutual cooperation would be used to maintain these efforts, added CM Yogi.

He declared, “Uttar Pradesh has seen exceptional progress in the areas of nutrition and health. Our performance is superior to the national average on numerous measures.

He was grateful for BMGF’s assistance in lowering the rates of maternal and newborn mortality. He also discussed the initiatives being taken in mission mode to immunise kids as part of the PM’s Mission Indradhanush.

As a result of these efforts, the state now guarantees the health security of every citizen.

The chief minister discussed the serious problem with finding qualified nurses and paramedics. “In this regard, the software that the state’s Mission Niramaya developed is a good example of how to train and enhance the skills of nursing paramedical workers. The Foundation can work with us to develop certified and skilled paramedics and professional nursing staff, he said.

“There were no ICU and ventilator facilities in 36 areas of the state during the Covid 19 outbreak. However, the government created specialised Covid hospitals in each district, ensuring the provision of ventilators and ICUs. Through master trainers, virtual ICUs were also in operation, the speaker added.

The chief minister noted that Mission Shakti in Uttar Pradesh, which aims to empower women, is focused on three things: women’s safety, honour, and independence.

“Women are now eligible for 20% of police recruitment positions. Every gramme panchayat in the state now has women constables on duty, he said.

Programs like “Banking Sakhi” have not only improved financial inclusion in rural areas but also aided in the empowerment of women. Women’s volunteer organisations are tackling the issue of starvation.

Gates also praised the University of Pennsylvania for its efficient use of the digital banking system.

Melinda Gates and her associates were asked by CM Yogi to take part in the projected Global Investors Summit, which is scheduled to take place in the state from February 10–12, 2023.

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