PM Modi leaves for home after concluding day-long visit to Italy for G7

PM Modi concludes day-long G7 visit to Italy, returns home.

PM Modi concludes day-long G7 visit to Italy, returns home.

In an address at an Outreach session of the G7 summit in Italy’s Apulia region, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the need to end the monopoly in technology. He argued that technology should be made more creative and accessible, serving as a foundation for building an inclusive society. Modi highlighted the importance of democratizing technology to ensure it benefits all, rather than being controlled by a few. This approach, he suggested, would foster innovation and drive progress across various sectors, contributing to a more equitable global landscape.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his day-long visit to Italy on Friday, where he attended the G7 summit and held bilateral meetings with world leaders including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Pope Francis. During an address at an Outreach session in Italy’s Apulia region, Modi called for ending the monopoly in technology, emphasizing the need for creativity to foster an inclusive society. He spoke extensively on the importance of democratizing technology, particularly artificial intelligence, and highlighted India’s early adoption of a national strategy on AI.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a significant visit to Italy to participate in the G7 summit, held in the picturesque Apulia region. The visit was packed with high-level meetings and substantial discussions aimed at fostering global cooperation on critical issues such as technology, economy, and security.

Bilateral Meetings with Global Leaders

On the sidelines of the summit, Prime Minister Modi held crucial bilateral meetings with several prominent world leaders. His interactions included discussions with US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, Pope Francis, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, among others. These meetings provided an opportunity for India to strengthen its ties with these nations and discuss mutual interests and global challenges.

Meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron

One of the highlights of Modi’s visit was his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. This meeting was particularly noteworthy as it marked Modi’s first official bilateral engagement with an international leader since commencing his third term as Prime Minister earlier in the month. The discussion with President Macron covered a wide range of topics, including bilateral trade, defense cooperation, and collaboration on climate change initiatives. Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the strategic partnership between India and France, emphasizing shared values of democracy, freedom, and a rules-based international order.

Call for Democratizing Technology

During his address at the Outreach session of the G7 summit, Prime Minister Modi made a compelling case for ending the monopoly in technology. He argued that technology should not be concentrated in the hands of a few but should be democratized to foster innovation and inclusivity. Modi emphasized the need to make technology more creative and accessible, thus laying the foundation for a more inclusive society. He highlighted the critical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in this context, underscoring India’s proactive approach as one of the first countries to formulate a national strategy on AI. Modi’s vision is to leverage technology to bridge the digital divide and ensure that its benefits reach all segments of society.

Engagements with Other World Leaders

In addition to his meeting with Macron, Prime Minister Modi engaged with other G7 leaders, discussing a spectrum of global issues. His conversation with US President Joe Biden focused on enhancing bilateral cooperation in areas such as defense, energy, and technology. The meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revolved around strengthening economic ties and collaborating on clean energy initiatives.

Modi’s interaction with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was significant in the context of post-Brexit relations, with discussions centering on trade, investment, and security cooperation. The meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, with Modi reiterating India’s support for peace and stability in the region.

Italy’s Role in the G7 Summit

Italy, as the host nation, extended invitations to leaders from 11 developing countries across Africa, South America, and the Indo-Pacific region, highlighting its commitment to fostering inclusive global dialogue. This initiative aimed to bring diverse perspectives to the table, addressing global challenges such as climate change, economic inequality, and sustainable development. Italy’s Premier Giorgia Meloni welcomed these leaders, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and collective action in addressing the pressing issues of our time.

Meeting with Pope Francis

Prime Minister Modi’s audience with Pope Francis was a significant moment, symbolizing the convergence of spiritual and political realms. The discussion with the Pope touched upon global peace, the importance of interfaith dialogue, and humanitarian efforts. This meeting underscored the role of moral and spiritual leadership in addressing contemporary global challenges.

Japan’s Participation and India-Japan Relations

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s presence at the summit provided an opportunity for Modi to discuss India-Japan relations, focusing on economic cooperation, infrastructure development, and regional security. Both leaders highlighted the importance of a free and open Indo-Pacific, reaffirming their commitment to working together to ensure peace and stability in the region.

Invitation to Developing Countries

Italy’s decision to invite leaders from developing countries in Africa, South America, and the Indo-Pacific region was a significant step towards inclusivity in global governance. This move aimed to ensure that the voices of emerging economies and developing nations are heard in global decision-making processes. The inclusion of these leaders provided a platform for discussing issues specific to the Global South, such as sustainable development, climate change, and economic resilience.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Italy for the G7 summit was marked by substantive discussions and meaningful engagements with global leaders. His call for democratizing technology and ending monopolies resonated with the summit’s overarching theme of fostering inclusivity and innovation. The bilateral meetings underscored India’s strategic relationships and its commitment to collaborating on global challenges. Italy’s inclusive approach to the summit, inviting leaders from developing countries, highlighted the importance of diverse perspectives in addressing the world’s most pressing issues. Overall, Modi’s visit reinforced India’s role as a significant player on the global stage, advocating for a more equitable and interconnected world.

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