Suffering With Digital Eye Strain? Here To get Out….!
Now a days we all are working on digital platforms. Most of them are suffering with Chronic Diseases due to working on computers for a whole day. Looking Computers all day and night, the eyes are facing diseases alike computer vision syndrome and digital eye strain due to the light coming from computer screen, extreme pressure on the eyes.

The light coming from computer screen directly falls on the eyes, when the light falls on eyes they adjust according to the vision, with that retina of eyes helps us to see anything clearly. Working on computers for whole day or switching off light and working on computers directly, the light coming from computer screens leads to damage to eyes alike increases the stress on the eye muscles.
According to the sources Digital experts are warning the due to working on computers for a whole day or switching off lights may have to face severe problems. Most of them are Dry Eyes, Blurred Vision, Difficulty on Concentration, Difficulty in Reading etc., and we can’t even manage to look even in very low light. The main reasons are like we usually blink eyes for every 15 to 20 times per minute, its because when you blink eyes it will activate the tear glands. By blinking eyes, it keeps eyes moist and healthy.
When you working for long time and not blinking eyes for a long time while Playing, Reading or doing any efforts without closing eyes can dry the eyes or irritate or itching and also screen glare, text contrast, flickering texts can cause screen eyestrain. Mostly it causes due to working for long time on computer which we call syndromes. These diseases mostly seen in for those who as works, IT sector who spends lot of time on watching computer screens for long time or digital screens.

Rules Must Follow
• Stop spending too much time on the computers.
• We must blink eyes every time while working
• The computer screen must be kept at least one distance from the face.
• Take a break for every 30 minutes while working on computers and look at some objects for some seconds.
• Switch on lights that should be brighter than your computer screen light.
• If possible don’t look at mobile when you lying on the bed.
• If you feel the problem in your eyesight, consult your doctor.
• Eat healthy food which contains more Antioxidants and fatty acids like lutein, vitamins and zeaxanthin.