Types OF Malnutrition, How IT Causes?
Today we are going to know about why the nutrients are important to our human body. Do we ever thought that if there is less Nutrients in our body what it may cause to?
Well today we will get to know why the Nutrients plays an important role in human body. When there are no nutrients provided to our body the malnutrition may take place.
What is malnutrition?
Malnutrition occurs when the body don’t get proper or enough nutrition, it causes various diseases such as Anaemia, Marasmus, Kwashiorkor, Beriberi, Rickets & etc.,
Types OF Diseases:

Anaemia: It is the most common disease which occurs during the Malnutrition. It is caused when the red blood cells are less in the body due to less Iron & Vitamin B12. Symptoms which can be seen is weakness, headache, fast heart rates. To balance the Nutrients for anaemia a person should have a proper diet to be taken which provide Iron & Vitamin B12 such as Meat, Poultry, seafood, leafy vegetables mostly spinach, peas etc., can help to increase your Iron & Vitamin B12 levels.

Marasmus: It is the disease caused due to deficiency of macronutrients such as Carbohydrates, proteins & Fats…. The symptoms which can be seen in person who is suffering from marasmus is Weight loss, Dry skin, Diarrhoea, Stomach Infection etc., To Avoid this kind of disease a person should have a proper diet which contains proteins, carbohydrates, fat, a person can get these nutrients in Cereals, Poultry, Pulses etc., which can be helpful to avoid marasmus type of disease.

Kwashiorkor: It is a disease which most probably seen in children whose diet is less in proteins, vitamins & minerals. It is seen in the undeveloped areas where people survive with less food…The Children who are suffering from kwashiorkor will face swelling on their Feet, belly, ankles, damage in immune system which may lead to severe infections. This disease can be prevented by including lot of proteins in your daily diet such as meat, fish, etc.,

Beriberi: The disease which is caused by having less vitamin B1 in body it can damage heart & Nervous system. The symptoms which can be found in the person who is suffering from beriberi can be seen are difficult in walking, Loss of sensation in hands & feet, mental confusions, vomiting etc.,
This disease can be prevented by taking care in diet, a person who is suffering from this should have proper food which contains Vitamin B1 such as wholegrain bread, peas, nuts, fresh fruits etc., which are benefited to body.

Rickets: The rickets may occur due to lack of Vitamin D & Calcium reduced in body. The symptoms which can be seen are delayed growth, pain in legs & spine, muscle weakness, It is more likely to be seen in the children during rapid growth in the age when a body needs high level of Vitamins & Calcium…the diet which can prevent this type of disease are Egg yolks, fatty fish, cereal, etc., which contains vitamin D. This diet can give the required nutrients to body.
Nutrients are very beneficial to our human body; it helps to live longer & fit. Also, it boosts immunity…if a body gets a proper nutrient it will help to reduce various types of diseases which are mentioned above. So, we need to have a proper diet which are rich in nutrients to maintain a healthy & fit body.