VP Dhankar responds to US, UN, Germany on Kejriwal's arrest.

VP Dhankar responds to US, UN, Germany on Kejriwal’s arrest.

VP Dhankar responds to US, UN, Germany on Kejriwal’s arrest.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar asserted on Friday that India stands as a democratic nation with a resilient judiciary, impervious to compromise by any individual or group.

Highlighting the uniqueness of Indian democracy, Dhankhar emphasized that the country requires no tutelage on the rule of law. This statement appeared to be a veiled reference to recent comments by the US and Germany regarding the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the excise policy case.

His remarks have been interpreted as a pointed response to the US and Germany’s observations on Kejriwal’s arrest, reaffirming India’s sovereign stance on matters of law and governance.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, speaking at the inauguration of the renovated premises of the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), emphasized India’s robust democratic values and the strength of its judicial systems.

In a pointed remark, Dhankhar referenced a European country as “a developed democracy” and suggested that they should focus on their internal affairs. He asserted that India, as a democratic nation, does not require external lessons on governance or the rule of law.

During the 70th Founders’ Day celebrations of the IIPA, Dhankhar highlighted the evolving norms of equality before the law in India. He noted that the law is now holding accountable those who consider themselves above it.

The Vice President’s comments come amidst recent remarks by the US, UN, and Germany on the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in an excise policy case. Dhankhar’s stance reflects India’s sovereign approach to governance, asserting its capability to uphold democratic principles and ensure judicial accountability.

His address underscored the significance of the rule of law in India’s democratic framework. Dhankhar’s remarks not only reaffirmed India’s commitment to judicial integrity but also conveyed a message of self-reliance in matters of governance and law enforcement.

As India celebrates the 70th Founders’ Day of the IIPA, Dhankhar’s words serve as a reminder of the country’s unwavering dedication to democratic values and the primacy of its judicial systems. The event marked a symbolic moment in India’s ongoing journey towards a more just and accountable society, guided by the principles of equality and the rule of law.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, while addressing the audience at the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) during its 70th Founders’ Day celebrations, raised poignant questions regarding the response to law enforcement in India.

Expressing concern, Dhankhar highlighted the immediate resort to protests, loud debates, and the invocation of human rights when the law takes its course. He criticized this reaction as an attempt to mask culpability of the gravest nature under the guise of human rights concerns.

In a forceful statement, Dhankhar questioned the rationale behind individuals or institutions resorting to street protests when the legal process is initiated. He emphasized the need for deeper reflection on this issue, challenging the notion of whether people can orchestrate a harmful trend of evading the rule of law by portraying themselves as victims.

Describing the Indian judiciary as robust, pro-people, and independent, Dhankhar called for a reevaluation of the mindset that allows those transgressing the law to play the victim card.

His remarks underscored the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability for actions. Dhankhar’s call for introspection on the response to legal processes reflects a broader conversation about the responsibilities of individuals and institutions in a democratic society.

As India continues to navigate the complexities of governance and justice, Dhankhar’s address at the IIPA served as a reminder of the imperative to uphold the principles of the rule of law, judicial independence, and accountability. His words resonated with the need for a thoughtful and responsible approach to legal proceedings, free from attempts to evade justice through theatrics or manipulation of narratives.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, in his address at the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), emphasized the shifting landscape of corruption in India. He declared, “Corruption is no longer a gateway to opportunity, employment, or contracts. It is now a pathway to jail, and the system is ensuring it.”

Acknowledging the pivotal role of the Indian judiciary, Dhankhar praised its pro-people stance, highlighting instances where the judiciary worked tirelessly, even meeting at midnight or on holidays, to deliver justice and relief.

Advocating for India’s rightful place in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Dhankhar emphasized the need for representation from a country like India. He noted India’s unique position as the world’s only nation with a constitutionally structured democracy at all levels, highlighting its significance in the global arena.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed hopes for the protection of rights in India’s elections. His spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, stated that they hoped for the safeguarding of political and civil rights, ensuring that everyone can vote in an atmosphere that is free and fair.

Responding to a question from a Bangladeshi journalist about India possibly being at a “crisis point,” Dujarric’s statement did not directly address the specific concerns raised. Instead, he made a general assertion about the importance of protecting rights during elections, without directly mentioning the incidents such as the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal or the alleged freezing of Congress Party funds.

Dhankhar’s remarks and the UN’s comments reflect the ongoing dialogue and scrutiny surrounding India’s democratic processes and governance. The focus on corruption, judicial integrity, and the conduct of elections underscores the critical importance of upholding democratic values and ensuring transparency in governance. These statements serve as a reminder of the evolving challenges and responsibilities in the realm of governance and democracy.

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