What’s Happening with IIMs? Autonomy and New Changes Explained
Something important is going on in the world of education, particularly for the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). These are top business schools in India, known for their excellence. But recently, there’s been a development that might change things. Let’s break it down.
Background: What’s the IIM Act, of 2017?
About six years ago, in 2017, a law called the IIM Act was passed. This law gave the 20 IIMs a special status – they became “institutions of national importance.” This was a big deal because it meant these IIMs got more freedom to manage things like administration and academics on their own. Before this, the government used to decide who would be the directors, chairpersons, and board members of these schools.
New Change: IIM Act Amendment Bill 2023
But now, there’s a new proposal – the Indian Institutes of Management (Amendment) Bill 2023. This proposal, introduced in Parliament on July 28, could change how much freedom these schools have.

What the Proposed Changes Say
The new proposal suggests that the President of India becomes the “Visitor” to the IIMs. This Visitor would have some special powers – they could do audits, start investigations, and even choose or remove chairpersons and directors. This might sound okay, but some people worry that this could limit the independence of these schools.
The proposal also says that when directors are appointed, there will be a person chosen by the “Visitor” to help decide. The “Visitor” can also decide when a director’s job should end.
Another thing the proposal talks about is the coordination forums in each IIM. These forums help the IIMs work together better. The “Visitor” would also be able to choose the chairperson for these forums.
What’s the IIMs’ Current Freedom?
Before diving into these changes, let’s understand what the IIM Act of 2017 gave them. Right now, each IIM has a board of governors. This board has 19 people, including just one person from the central and state governments. This board has the power to make decisions about how these schools are run.
This board can choose people to find and pick directors. They can also decide how much directors should be paid, create new positions, start departments, approve yearly budgets, and set fees for students.

Before 2017: What Was It Like?
Before 2017, the government used to choose the chairpersons and directors for these schools. So, things have changed a lot since then.

Why This Matters: Conflicts and Tensions
There have been some conflicts between the government and these top business schools. One conflict was about giving one-year executive MBA degrees in 2020. The government didn’t like this because it didn’t match the rules set by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Even though there were discussions, some IIMs still gave out these degrees. This started a big discussion about how education works.
What People Are Worried About
People who teach at these schools are worried about what these new changes might mean. They are concerned that these changes could take away some of the freedom these schools have. But they also say that it’s important for these schools to be accountable and transparent.
Some teachers say that top universities around the world, like Cambridge and Oxford, have a lot of freedom to run things their way. They think that having this kind of freedom is important for maintaining high standards.
In Conclusion: What’s Next?
So, the new proposal to amend the IIM Act is causing a lot of discussions. Some are worried that it might change the way these top business schools work. The balance between freedom and responsibility is crucial for these schools to maintain their reputation and quality. As these discussions go on, we’ll have to wait and see how things unfold for the future of IIMs.