The Pacific region is prone to earthquakes and was recently a few weeks ago it was hit by continuous earthquakes. A sigh of relief was about to be heard but was replaced by a gasp as it was hit by another earthquake on Monday.
On Monday, April 24, 2023, a remote region of the Pacific was hit by an earthquake of 7.2 magnitudes. New Zealand’s Kermadec island area which is in the Pacific region was hit by the tremors of this earthquake. The National Centre for Seismology reported that the earthquake’s tremors were felt up to 10kms and felt at around 06:11:52 IST.

Usually, earthquakes in the Pacific region are accompanied by tsunami warnings or literal tsunamis. But this time no warning was issued nor were any signs of a Tsunami seen. Further details of the quake are awaited.
Earthquakes are major destruction to a place and can cause severe life and economic loss. Tectonic plate movement in the earth’s crust is what triggers tremors and causes earthquakes. Earthquakes have the potential to be devastating and result in significant loss of life and property. An earthquake can send seismic waves through the Earth’s crust, generating vibrations that can be felt over a wide area.
Although they can happen everywhere in the world, the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region with a high seismic activity that surrounds the Pacific Ocean, is where earthquakes most frequently occur. The Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate, two significant tectonic plates, precisely meet at New Zealand’s position. This makes it vulnerable to earthquakes, and is almost completely encircled by water makes it vulnerable to tsunamis.

Being in an earthquake-prone region led to the place having frequent encounters with tremors that range from 1.5 to 7.5 and above on the Richter scale. Recently the place witnessed a 6.5 magnitude earthquake on March 15, 2023, and on March 17, 2023, they saw an earthquake of magnitude 7.1. Reports show that New Zealand meets with at least 20,000 earthquakes every year.
Social media is rife with comments on the tremors and the likelihood that human activity is to blame. Many people sent their condolences, and some of them pointed the finger at mining as the cause.
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