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Is generative AI threatening your employment?

Although AI is a potent technology that may be used to automate a variety of jobs, it cannot take the place of human writers. This is due to the fact that AI cannot comprehend and convey intricate concepts, feelings, and creativity in the same manner as people.

Human writers has the capacity to think deeply and critically about their subject matter and to effectively communicate those ideas and feelings to readers through the written word. Contrarily, AI cannot improvise or adjust to novel circumstances like humans can since it is constrained by the data and algorithms it has been educated on.

A crucial component of producing interesting and relatable content is human writers’ distinctive perspectives and experiences, which AI writers lack. In conclusion, while artificial intelligence (AI) can be a beneficial tool for writers, it cannot match the originality and ingenuity of human writers.

We’ve been hearing a lot of talk about ChatGPT and its clearly broad real-world applications ever since OpenAI made its chatbot widely available (as a free-to-use version). ChatGPT, dubbed the most sophisticated AI-based chatbot we’ve ever seen, employs the Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) to provide responses to your questions that are similar to those of a human.

The bot uses a language learning model that has been fed more than 576GB of global data to comprehend (and subsequently explain) a wide range of ideas. The bot may assist humans with nearly any task as long as its applications are based in language, including creating sophisticated code to create an Instagram-like application, a review of the Apple iPhone 14, or even composing Draco/Hermione fan fiction (yes, that happened).

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, responded to the general excitement about the prospect of living in a society where your actual job could be automated by remarking, “The GPT-3 hype is too much. The world will alter due to AI, but GPT-3 is just a first peek. That’s scary, now.


Naturally, there have been many inquiries about whether ChatGPT would someday replace people because to its popularity. We can already see handing off entry-level jobs and chores to such bots, even with an app that is referred to be a “early glimpse” of what AI can actually achieve once built correctly.

This is especially true for specialised language-based sectors like programming and writing, but applications of AI may also be seen in other creative industries like art and music.

Recently, Dall-e, an AI-based art generator from OpenAI, also attracted a lot of attention on social media for its capacity to produce any type of visual art from text input. When your free credits run out, the software will create any image you can think of for you for the low-low fee of $0.02 (about $1.65) for a 1024×1024 pixel resolution image and $0.018 (around $0.15) for a 512×512 pixel quality image. Essentially peanuts

Considering the exorbitant prices charged by advertising and digital marketing firms for a single creative, employing software like Dall-e may present organisations with an excellent opportunity to save money while simultaneously gaining access to high-quality creatives created for their target customers.

Again, this raises the question of whether or not jobs can be completed without entry-level working professionals. Dall-e does not, of course, currently provide brand visuals. However, this incredibly realistic picture of headphones could be misunderstood for a social media gimmick.

In a similar vein, a user on Twitter revealed that he created a Notes-like app in SWIFT using ChatGPT. Others have used the chatbot to compose music, write emails, resolve homework issues, write standard website content about their company’s culture, create mindmaps on world dominance, understand code by typing a query in Hinglish, and, well, the list can go on and on.

When he made an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience three years ago, renowned entrepreneur Naval Ravikant discussed the applications of AI as ones that will complement human jobs rather than replace humans entirely. According to him, the AI we are currently seeing is a type of limited AI that is based on pattern recognition.

He scoffed at the notion that AI would take over the world during our lifetimes, saying, “There’s nothing approaching creative thinking.” He continues by saying that because we still don’t fully understand how the brain functions, humans are far from being a good model for general intelligence.

In other words, AI won’t start coming up with ideas any time soon, but it will undoubtedly help you carry them out more effectively. While a creative director at an agency or an editor at a publication may use their imagination to decide on the what, AI will be in charge of the how.

In other words, humans will be liberated from duties involving execution to focus on larger-scale tasks such as strategy, original thought, and ideation.


There are undoubtedly countless uses for ChatGPT and other AI-based products that employ language learning algorithms. One may envision science-based duties like conducting research, creating new software that can alter the world and consumer behaviour, running differential diagnostics to generate hypotheses about what might be wrong with a patient (and then validating the search results via tests), and much more. Without a doubt, this “early sight” into AI’s capabilities will force people to reevaluate their place in society.

Having said that, the situation is not as dire as many people believe. Instead of focusing just on the capacity to complete tasks, productivity and the abilities needed to succeed in different professions will be redefined to incorporate more innovative, forward-thinking KPIs. Naturally, this has both positive and negative aspects. It does not eliminate the necessity to comprehend the fundamentals, but it does inspire a more creative style of thinking.

Without using a single brush, people can produce works of art they could only have imagined with tools like Dall-e. I suppose I could use ChatGPT to build the code for an app, then have a developer check it over for any potential flaws. In other words, if these tools remain free, starting a business may not require the financial investment that it does at the moment.

The writing industry will also undergo significant upheaval as businesses who hire independent contractors to write branded blogs start using AI tools to do the same in quantity while also taking into account decreased operational expenses.

Despite the intrigue of each of these applications, the crucial question of what constitutes credit still needs to be addressed. Does having an idea alone qualify you as a graphic designer? Do you become a content writer after typing a query? Does requesting source code certify you as a developer? The most crucial question is: Does it even still matter?

The writing industry will also undergo significant upheaval as businesses who hire independent contractors to write branded blogs start using AI tools to do the same in quantity while also taking into account decreased operational expenses.

Despite the intrigue of each of these applications, the crucial question of what constitutes credit still needs to be addressed. Does having an idea alone qualify you as a graphic designer? Do you become a content writer after typing a query? Does requesting source code certify you as a developer? The most crucial question is: Does it even still matter?

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