Netanyahu confirms January assassination of Hamas' 'No. 4'

Netanyahu confirms January assassination of Hamas’ ‘No. 4’

Netanyahu confirms January assassination of Hamas’ ‘No. 4’

“We have killed number four in Hamas,” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated in a video message on Monday. His reference appears to point to Arouri, a prominent figure within Hamas. This confirmation follows the January assassination of this key Hamas member, further escalating tensions in the region.

Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has officially confirmed that the Israeli army carried out the operation resulting in the killing of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau. The controversial cross-border airstrike took place in Lebanon in January, marking a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Arouri’s death stirred widespread criticism from Lebanon and regional countries, despite Israel never officially acknowledging the assassination, as reported by Xinhua news agency.

“We have killed number four in Hamas,” declared Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in a video statement on Monday, an apparent reference to Arouri. Netanyahu’s bold statement continued with a chilling warning, “Three, two, and one are on the way (to be killed).

Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel’s uncompromising stance, vowing to continue the attacks in Gaza until achieving “a total victory” over Hamas.

The reported airstrike took place overnight in the Al-Nusseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Kan reported that five militants were killed in the attack, with ten others sustaining injuries.

These developments underscore the ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas, with Israel openly declaring its intent to target key Hamas figures and Hamas continuing its operations in Gaza.

Background on Arouri’s Role in Hamas

Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, was a significant figure within the organization. He played a crucial role in Hamas’ operations, particularly its military and political activities. Arouri was widely known for his involvement in orchestrating attacks against Israel and for his leadership within Hamas.

Criticism and Controversies

Arouri’s assassination prompted sharp criticism from Lebanon and neighboring countries, highlighting the sensitive nature of cross-border operations. The lack of official acknowledgment from Israel regarding the operation added to the controversy surrounding the incident.

Netanyahu’s Bold Statement

Netanyahu’s statement, claiming responsibility for Arouri’s death and warning of further actions against Hamas leadership, reflects Israel’s firm stance against the militant organization. The Prime Minister’s declaration of intent to target “numbers three, two, and one” in Hamas indicates a strategic move to dismantle the organization’s leadership.

Continued Attacks and Ongoing Conflict

Israel’s commitment to continue its attacks in Gaza until achieving what it terms “a total victory” over Hamas signals a prolonged period of conflict. The recent reported airstrike targeting Marwan Issa, another key Hamas figure, demonstrates Israel’s determination to weaken the organization’s military capabilities.

Regional Implications

The developments in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas have broader regional implications. The cross-border airstrikes, assassinations of key figures, and escalating tensions raise concerns about stability in the region. Regional countries have voiced their concerns over the impact of these hostilities on the broader Middle East landscape.


The confirmation of Saleh al-Arouri’s assassination by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, along with the reported airstrike targeting Marwan Issa, marks significant developments in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Israel’s uncompromising stance and commitment to targeting Hamas leadership, combined with Hamas’ continued operations in Gaza, point to a continuation of the conflict in the region.

The repercussions of these actions extend beyond Israel and Gaza, with potential implications for regional stability. As tensions remain high, the international community closely watches the situation, hoping for a resolution to the conflict and a path towards peace.


This summary aims to provide an overview of the recent developments in the Israel-Hamas conflict, focusing on the confirmed assassination of Saleh al-Arouri and the reported airstrike targeting Marwan Issa. It is not exhaustive and may not cover all aspects of the situation. Readers are encouraged to refer to reliable news sources for a comprehensive understanding of the ongoing conflict.

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