Re-polling underway at 11 stations in Manipur.

Re-polling underway at 11 stations in Manipur.

Re-polling underway at 11 stations in Manipur.

Security heightened at polling stations to prevent incidents.

Re-polling commenced on Monday at 11 polling stations within the inner-Manipur Parliamentary constituency amid heightened security measures. The Election Commission’s decision to order re-polling came in the wake of reported incidents of violence and electoral malpractice during the initial phase of the Lok Sabha elections on April 19.

According to reports, certain miscreants allegedly engaged in acts of violence, including opening fire and damaging Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), at the aforementioned polling stations during the first phase of voting. These disturbances prompted the Election Commission to take swift action to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process.

In response to the incidents, security has been significantly bolstered at all polling stations to forestall any untoward occurrences. This proactive measure aims to safeguard the rights of voters and uphold the principles of democracy amidst challenging circumstances.

Local residents expressed their determination to exercise their franchise despite the disruptions encountered during the initial phase of voting. One individual remarked to ANI, “We have come to vote. Re-poll is happening. The security has been heightened.” This sentiment underscores the resilience of the electorate and their unwavering commitment to participating in the democratic process despite obstacles.

Manipur witnessed a commendable voter turnout of 69.18 percent until 7 pm on the day of the initial polling. However, the incidents of violence and electoral irregularities underscored the need for corrective action to uphold the sanctity of the electoral process and ensure that every vote counts.

The Election Commission’s decision to conduct re-polling at the affected polling stations reflects its commitment to upholding the principles of free and fair elections. By addressing instances of electoral malpractice and violence, the Commission aims to restore public confidence in the electoral process and reaffirm the democratic values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

As re-polling gets underway, authorities remain vigilant to prevent any further disruptions and ensure a smooth and orderly voting process. The deployment of adequate security personnel and stringent measures to safeguard EVMs and ballot boxes underscore the Election Commission’s resolve to maintain the integrity of the electoral process.

In the coming days, all eyes will be on Manipur as voters cast their ballots once again to determine the outcome of the inner-Manipur Parliamentary constituency. The successful conduct of re-polling will not only reaffirm the democratic ethos of the nation but also serve as a testament to the resilience and determination of the people of Manipur to uphold their democratic rights.

Re-polling is currently underway at several polling stations across conflict-affected Manipur, including Moirangkampu Sajeb Upper Primary School and S. Ibobi Primary School (East Wing) in the Khurai assembly constituency, four stations in Kshetrigao, one in Thongju, three in Uripok, and one in Konthoujam. These locations were identified as hotspots of electoral violence and malpractice during the initial phase of voting on April 19.

During the first round of polling, incidents of violence marred the electoral process in Manipur, with reports of miscreants opening fire and vandalizing Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) at several polling booths. The turmoil resulted in one civilian sustaining injuries from the gunfire, highlighting the volatile nature of the situation in certain areas of the state.

One of the notable incidents occurred at a polling booth in Moirangkampu Sajeb Awang Leikai of Imphal, where clashes erupted between rival factions amidst the voting for the Lok Sabha elections. The chaos and violence witnessed at this location underscored the challenges faced by election authorities in maintaining law and order in conflict-prone regions.

In response to these disturbances, the Election Commission swiftly intervened and ordered re-polling at the affected polling stations to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process. By conducting re-polling at these sites, authorities aim to rectify any irregularities and provide voters with the opportunity to cast their ballots without fear or intimidation.

The decision to conduct re-polling reflects the Election Commission’s commitment to upholding the democratic principles of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. Despite the challenges posed by incidents of violence and electoral malpractice, the Commission remains steadfast in its efforts to safeguard the electoral rights of citizens and uphold the sanctity of the democratic process.

As re-polling proceeds at the designated polling stations, stringent security measures have been put in place to prevent any further disruptions or instances of violence. The deployment of additional security personnel and heightened vigilance are aimed at ensuring a smooth and orderly voting process, free from any untoward incidents.

In the aftermath of the violence on April 19, authorities have taken steps to enhance security arrangements and bolster confidence among voters. By addressing the root causes of electoral violence and taking proactive measures to mitigate risks, the Election Commission seeks to restore public trust in the electoral process and reaffirm the democratic values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

As Manipur navigates through the re-polling process, the focus remains on fostering a conducive environment for free and fair elections, where every citizen can exercise their democratic rights without fear or coercion. Through collaborative efforts between election authorities, security forces, and civil society, Manipur aims to uphold the integrity of its electoral democracy and ensure a peaceful and credible outcome for all stakeholders.

In the Lok Sabha elections, all 32 assembly segments of the inner Manipur parliamentary constituency and 15 segments of the outer Manipur (ST) constituency cast their votes. Counting of votes for both constituencies is scheduled for June 4, marking the culmination of the electoral process and the determination of the region’s political representation in the parliament.

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