Rishab Shetty’s Epic Prequel ‘Kantara 2’: A Journey to 400 AD
Following the massive success of ‘Kantara,’ actor-turned-director Rishab Shetty is now working on a prequel, ‘Kantara 2,’ set in the historical backdrop of 400 AD. This film is set to be another gripping rural thriller, and producers are willing to invest more than Rs 150 crore to meet the rising expectations set by its predecessor. Remarkably, ‘Kantara,’ originally made with a modest budget of Rs 14 crores, turned into a nationwide blockbuster, grossing over Rs 320 crores.
In preparation for his role in ‘Kantara 2,’ Rishab Shetty underwent a significant physical transformation. He shed 11 kilos, dedicating himself to physical training and strict dietary restrictions, aiming for a leaner and fitter appearance than he had in ‘Kantara.’

Rishab Shetty has crafted a compelling storyline for ‘Kantara 2,’ transporting the audience to the 4th century AD. The film is rich with real-life incidents and characters, promising an enthralling cinematic experience.
‘Kantara,’ the predecessor, unfolded in the 1800s and told the story of a benevolent King who gifted his forest land to a demigod. The demigod, in turn, distributed the land to landless tribals. However, decades later, the King’s descendants returned to reclaim the land, leading to a captivating conflict.
Rishab Shetty’s rise to pan-India stardom has been noteworthy. His emotional performance in ‘Kantara’s climax left a lasting impact on the audience. The portrayal of tribals fighting against evil forces with the aid of Lord Varaha resonated deeply with viewers.

Kannada cinema, along with Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam films, has garnered immense popularity among Hindi-speaking audiences. This trend underscores the industry’s ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with a broad spectrum of viewers.
In conclusion, ‘Kantara 2’ is generating considerable anticipation, set against the backdrop of 400 AD. With an increased budget, Rishab Shetty’s dedicated physical transformation, and the promise of an engaging historical narrative, ‘Kantara 2’ is poised to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, further solidifying the prominence of Kannada cinema on the national stage.