Seven more Indians claim forced participation in Ukraine conflict by Russians.

Seven more Indians claim forced participation in Ukraine conflict by Russians.

Seven more Indians claim forced participation in Ukraine conflict by Russians.

In a statement last week, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) affirmed that New Delhi was actively engaged in communication with Russian authorities concerning Indian nationals caught up in the conflict. The MEA’s primary objective, as articulated, was to facilitate the safe return of these individuals from Russia. With a commitment to ensuring the well-being and safety of its citizens abroad, the Indian government reiterated its dedication to providing necessary assistance and support. The ongoing dialogue between Indian and Russian officials reflects a concerted effort to swiftly address the plight of Indian nationals impacted by the Ukraine conflict and facilitate their safe repatriation.

The plight of Indian nationals caught in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has captured global attention, as a group of seven men released a distressing video claiming they are being coerced by Russian authorities to fight in the war against their will. This revelation comes on the heels of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in India stating its efforts for the “early discharge” of approximately 20 Indians serving as support staff for the Russian army.

In the poignant video that has now gone viral, the seven men appear in army uniforms inside a confined room. The camera captures six of them standing in a corner as one speaks about their harrowing situation.

Their ordeal began innocuously, the man recounts in Hindi, as they arrived in Russia as tourists on December 27 for the New Year celebrations. They met an agent who promised to show them around different places and offered to take them to Belarus. However, the unsuspecting tourists were unaware of the visa requirement for Belarus. Upon reaching Belarus, they handed over money to the agent, only to be demanded more. Left stranded on a highway for their inability to pay, they were subsequently apprehended by the police, who then handed them over to the Russian army.

The men narrate being confined in an undisclosed location for several days before being coerced into signing a contract they could not comprehend. Threatened with a 10-year jail term, they were forced to agree to work as helpers, drivers, and cooks for the Russian army. Despite the language barrier, they were misled into enrolling in the army after being trained at a center.

“After training, we were dropped off in Ukraine, and some of our friends were sent to the frontline. Now, they are pressuring us to join the fighting,” one of the men reveals in the video. He expresses their lack of readiness for combat, citing their inability to even handle firearms properly. The distressing plea for help ends with a hopeful appeal to the Indian government and embassy for assistance.

This distressing account sheds light on the predicament faced by several Indians, predominantly from Punjab, Kashmir, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Telangana, who have found themselves ensnared in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. Their pursuit of better job opportunities led them to Russia through deceptive promises made on a YouTube channel, luring them with the prospect of higher earnings.

The families of these men, interviewed by The Indian Express, revealed the deception that led their loved ones to believe they were applying for jobs as helpers in Russian government offices, mainly in Moscow. However, they were instead coerced into heading to the frontlines of the conflict, facing dangers they never anticipated.

Last week, MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal addressed the media, acknowledging the plight of these individuals. He stated that approximately 20 Indians, working as support staff or helpers with the Russian Army, had reached out to Indian authorities seeking assistance. We are trying our level best for their early discharge,” Jaiswal affirmed during the briefing.

He emphasized the Indian government’s commitment to the welfare of its citizens, particularly those caught in difficult circumstances abroad. Jaiswal highlighted ongoing communication between Indian and Russian authorities, both in New Delhi and Moscow, as they strive to secure the safe return of these individuals.

The spokesperson reassured that the Indian Embassy is actively engaged with Russian authorities, endeavoring to facilitate the repatriation of the stranded Indians. He urged others not to venture into war zones or find themselves in perilous situations, emphasizing the government’s dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of all Indian nationals abroad.

As the distressing accounts of these Indian nationals unfold, it serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by individuals caught in the crossfire of international conflicts. The Indian government’s swift response and commitment to assisting its citizens in distress reflect a beacon of hope for those in dire situations abroad. The global community watches closely as efforts continue to bring these individuals back home safely, away from the ravages of war and coercion.

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