Everyone out there is sitting with fingers crossed waiting to know more updates about the ‘Legalization of Same-sex Marriages’. Today, the debate on this issue started in the Supreme Court and it is yet to be known how it is going.
The LGBTQIA+ community all over India is hoping and fighting for the legalization of Same-sex marriage but is being strongly opposed by the government the is strongly religious. The desire of the LGBTQIA+ community and the strong opposition of the central government is keeping the argument lively and interesting.
8 couples came forward and filed a petition in the Supreme Court asking for the ‘Legalization of Same-sex Marriage in India’ and out of the eight, three are same-sex couples with children.

This is an important debate that will remain in history and no matter what decision the supreme court is going to make; it will have a great impact on the country. India is a country with a 1 million+ LGBTQIA population and that makes it more essential for a decision to be made regarding this issue.
India being a religious country will obviously have a tough time accepting same-sex couples or same-sex marriages. Same-sex relationships are considered a sin by many religious followers due to the mythology’s strong connection with gender specificity.
But in recent surveys, it is revealed that people have slowly started accepting LGBTQIA+ people. While some people started welcoming and accepting all sexual orientations, others are calling it the ‘Western influence’, ‘sinful act’ – etc.
It is also observed that some people who are against homosexuality are threatening, bullying, and harassing the LGBTQIA+ community people and it was proved when seeing some social media posts where comment sections are filled with hate towards the community.
Gen-Z is more open-minded and also more open about their sexual orientation and hence are coming forward to talk about their gender preferences without any fear. But on the darker side, many gays, lesbians, transgender, queer, and other LGBTQIA+ community people are being assaulted and harassed on a daily basis and this news makes it to headlines but no one cares.
It is time for us to normalize Homosexuality and accept every human just the way they are. Here are some comments that homosexuality usually encounters.
“Homosexuality is a sin”
Considering homosexuality as something sinful and punishing them is not acceptable and as we progress through, it is necessary for us to accept people the way they are.

“People chose to be homosexual”
People don’t ‘choose’ to be homosexual; they are born homosexual and it’s a fact that homosexuality exists.
“Homosexuality is attention seeking”
Why would someone want that attention, the attention that brings a life full of fear – the fear of being bullied, harassed, and abused?
“It influences our children”
Open homosexuality does influence anyone, it rather gives people the strength to accept and be themselves. And a born-straight person will never be attracted to same-sex and if happens so, then it means that person isn’t straight and the fact has to be digested.
“They’re spreading homosexuality”
Homosexuality is not a disease nor is it something that spreads. When people speak up about Homosexuality, it is to spread awareness about homosexuality and not to “spread homosexuality”.
“Homosexuality is against religion”
No religion stated homosexuality is a sin and homosexuals do nothing to destroy religious beliefs. In fact, homosexuality is portrayed in religious paintings and books too. Religions and religious books only teach one to accept and embrace oneself.
“Homosexual parenting effects on child’s mental health”
Children with same-sex parents do face so much trauma, but the trauma’s cause is the society and people who bully the child for having same-sex parents. If society starts to accept homosexuality just the way it is, then sex-based bullying will end and so will the trauma.

They are facing so much humiliation and trauma, yet they chose to fight for their rights legally and never gave up. If everything goes in favor then India will be the 35th country to legalize same-sex marriages. Let us look forward to hearing the final judgment.