Mahatma Gandhi: If you want to do good to the society, do not consider any work small, do good to others even after your loss.
Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, passed away on January 30. There are numerous tales about Gandhiji that conceal the origins of life management. If his ideas and formulas were used in real life, many of our issues could be resolved. Learn about Gandhi-related situations here, especially those with lessons for those who serve.

For someone who is doing good for society, no task is too minor.
Mahatma Gandhi was approached by a little kid who stated, “Gandhiji, I too want to serve the nation.” Give me a chance to collaborate with you, please.
The boy completed the task that Gandhi advised. Gandhiji then remarked, “Some utensils are maintained; clean them.”
This work was also done by that boy. Gandhiji then assigned him the task of cleaning the ashram.
Gandhi ji began enlisting the boy to complete menial jobs. Some time has gone. All of these works did not appeal to that boy. Gandhi informed the boy, “I can’t stay here any longer,” one day. I’m leaving.
He was asked by Gandhi ji, “But why are you going?”
I am an educated boy from a good household, the youngster retorted. You are forcing me to do work that is not appropriate for me.
Gandhi ji patiently listened to the youngster and informed him that he was taking his test. All jobs are equal for people who desire to serve their country. For someone who performs service, no duty is too small or large. People with a service mindset merely perform services.
Even after a loss, continue to work for the benefit of others.
Gandhi ji once travelled. He once took a train to get about. Gandhiji got off the train at a station and stayed there for a while. To see Gandhiji, crowds assembled. Gandhiji’s train began to move as he was being mobbed by the crowd.
Gandhi hastily entered his cabin after emerging from the crowd, but one of his slippers fell and rolled under the train’s rails.
Gandhi ji stood at the compartment gate as the train was going, contemplating, and dropping his second sandal there as well.
Gandhiji was asked by someone who was witness to the occurrence, “Why did you drop the second slipper as well?”
Gandhi ji informed me that one of my slippers had fallen and I only had one slipper left, so I assumed that it was now useless for me. So that if someone finds these two shoes, they will be useful to him, I also threw the second slipper here.
Gandhi ji’s message in this tale is that we shouldn’t give up on our effort even if we suffer harm so long as we can still accomplish some good.