On an Air India flight from New York to Delhi, a drunk man urinates on a woman.
Her clothes, shoes, and luggage were all covered in pee, the woman protested to the crew.
In November, an inebriated customer peed on a female co-passenger in business class on an Air India aircraft and then left without being dealt with. After the event, Air India filed a case and suggested that the disruptive passenger be put on the no-fly list.
The woman wrote to the group chairman of Air India, N Chandrasekaran, revealing the occurrence, and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation has requested a report from the carrier.

The regulator declared, “We will punish anybody proven to have been careless.
A co-passenger in her 70s who was travelling in business class on an Air India aircraft from New York to Delhi was allegedly urinated on by the intoxicated customer on November 26. After dinner, the lights were turned down.
The man is said to have urinated and remained still until another passenger urged him to get out.
Her clothes, shoes, and luggage were all covered in pee, the woman protested to the crew. The crew allegedly provided her a change of clothing and some slippers before instructing her to go back to her seat.
The guy allegedly departed Delhi after the plane touched down without being held accountable for his atrocious behaviour.
The following day, the woman wrote to Mr. Chandrasekaran expressing her dissatisfaction with how the airline handled the matter.
Air India has now reported the individual to the police. “An internal committee was formed by Air India, and they advised adding the male passenger to the “no-fly list.” A decision on the case is pending from a government committee, “sources reported.
According to the letter the woman wrote, she requested a crew seat because she didn’t want to sit on the dirty seat. She claims that after an hour, the personnel instructed her to go back to her seat, which was still reeking of urine and was covered with sheets. She claimed that the personnel had disinfectant sprayed on the seat. She was offered another crew seat after adamantly refusing to sit in the same one; this is where she remained for the duration of the journey.
Despite their being open seats in business class, the woman claims she was not provided a replacement seat.
This is the most recent example of disruptive behaviour on a flight.
On December 26, a number of passengers attacked a fellow traveller on a Thai Smile flight from Bangkok to Kolkata after he refused to adjust his seat before takeoff. A video of a fight on an IndiGo flight on December 16 surfaced online, in which a stewardess is heard telling the customer, “I am not your servant.”